Project Introduction

About this project

This project introduces a new way to check water health by looking closely at tiny water creatures called plankton. With more pollution due to factories and cities, it’s getting harder to find clean water. Traditional methods to study water are slow. This project uses advanced technology to quickly and accurately study plankton, which helps us understand the quality of water. This method is faster, cheaper, and can spot very tiny details in plankton, making it a great tool for keeping an eye on water health.

1. Introduction

Water covers most of the Earth but is not always easy to use because of pollution. This project focuses on studying small water creatures, plankton, to learn about water quality. Normally, checking water involves a lot of steps and waiting. But with new technologies like digital holographic microscopy, we can get faster and clearer pictures of plankton, helping us understand water quality better and quicker.

2. Basic Principles

2.1 Lens-Free On-Chip Holography

This simple method captures detailed images of plankton using light patterns. It doesn’t need complicated setups like traditional microscopes but still gives us very clear pictures. This helps us see the tiny details of plankton easily.

2.2 Multi-Wavelength-Based Phase Recovery

By taking pictures at different light colors, this method lets us see plankton in even more detail. It uses special algorithms to make images clearer, allowing us to identify small plankton features important for water quality.

2.3 Detection of Water Quality Through Plankton

Plankton changes tell us a lot about water health. This system uses advanced imaging to quickly spot these changes, making it easier to know if the water is clean or polluted.

3. System Design and Construction

3.1 Light Path System Design

The system uses special LED lights and filters to shine different light colors on plankton and captures these images with a camera sensor. This helps get a detailed look at plankton under various light conditions.

3.2 Hardware and Circuit Design

The setup includes several parts controlled by a computer unit, making it easy to switch between different lighting conditions. This simplicity makes it possible to capture high-quality images of plankton for analysis.

3.3 3D Printing and Prototype Building

Using 3D printing, the system’s parts are made precisely and affordably. This approach makes the tool more accessible for monitoring water quality everywhere.

4. Experimentation and Results

The project tested the system with plankton samples and water from different places. Advanced image techniques were used to separate and count plankton in the images, showing the system’s accuracy in spotting water quality changes through detailed plankton analysis.

5. Conclusion

The 3D Digital Holographic Microscopy Water Quality Detection System is a big step forward in monitoring water health. It’s quick, accurate, and affordable, making it easier to check water quality and protect our water resources. Future improvements could include using artificial intelligence to make the system even better at identifying and counting plankton.